10 Following

A Sea of Stars

 Teenaged. Clinomaniac. Caffeine Addicted. Fangirl. Bibliomaniac. Introverted. 


Challenge Participant


Dangerous - Shannon Hale

Couple things I didn't like: Wilder. Just...Wilder. I don't know if we were supposed to hate him or like him or moderately distrust him or what. I honestly don't know what Shannon was going for. I think she meant for us not to be sure how we felt about him, much like Maisie, and then at the end come to realize he's a trustworthy decent guy.

I still hated him.

And not just because he's the kind of guy who carries condoms in his back pocket for when the need arises "out of respect" for whoever he's hooking up with. *cue turtle slap to the face* He's also smarmy, thinks he's funny and isn't, rubs me wrong, and no amount of him trying to make Maisie think he's evil for the good of humanity changes that, because he's still horrible. Blah.

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I also really didn't care for how Maisie treated Luther

after he kissed her. I think it was meant to be amusing, but it seemed more like being unnecessarily mean to Luther.

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