10 Following

A Sea of Stars

 Teenaged. Clinomaniac. Caffeine Addicted. Fangirl. Bibliomaniac. Introverted. 


Challenge Participant

The Fire Wish

The Fire Wish - Amber Lough


I expected a lot more from this. I mean, JINN, JINNI, DJINN, GENIE. Whatever you want to call them, ever since that one episode of X-Files, I've had a ever-growing fascination with them. So color me ever so slightly underwhelmed by how this admittedly awesome idea was handled.

The characters weren't anything special, with Najwa and Kamal being the best of the bunch. Najwa and Kamal's romance was handled quite well; not too fast and they were pretty cute, I have to say. On Zayele and Atish's romance, I was less than enthused, mostly because while I understood that Atish was supposed to be in love with Najwa(who Zayele currently looks like and is taking the place of), I was not even sorta believing how quick Zayele falls for him. And their first kiss wasn't very well written, in my ever so humble opinion. Plus, I just didn't like Atish very much. Or Zayele, actually...

(show spoiler)

Plot was decent enough. Settings and descriptions of the palace and the Jinni cavern were gorgeous; easily the best writing in the book. There were a number of painfully predictable plot points, with original bits strewn about. The writing prose, descriptions aside, was not all it could be, as it was a tad simplistic. But I will most likely be on-board for the second book, because why not?