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A Sea of Stars

 Teenaged. Clinomaniac. Caffeine Addicted. Fangirl. Bibliomaniac. Introverted. 


Challenge Participant
Poison - Chris Wooding When Poison's younger sister is kidnapped by the Phaeries and a changeling left in her place, Poison sets out to find the Phaerie Lord, Aelthar, and rescue her sister, Azalea. Things aren't quite as simple as Poison might hope but she does have the help of a few friends. Loved Bram (he was so sweet), Myrrk was funny, however little he was in the book, I ended up liking Fleet, and Andersen!! He was awesome. Can I has one of him? Aelthar is tricksy cruel and has no love for humans. Poison realizes that she will need to find a different approach if she wants to get her sister back. Then the Heirophant is thrown into the mix and the fate of the entire human race hangs in the balance between Poison, what she's willing to do to get Azalea back, the Phaeries, and the Heirophant. Can Poison thwart the Phaeres? Or will the Heirophant write their stories to an abrupt end? Ok, so very cool and interesting on the whole story-within-a-story side plot. I liked that a lot. But the Heirophant needed more explanation. I would love a short story about the Heirophant. Some scenes were creepy. Esp. the scary SPIDER scene. Not cool. I liked the twist at the end. And how the real villain was not who you originally thought or even secondly thought. But I was more interested in Azalea's untold story than Poison's, to be honest. Azalea had a sad story in "Poison" and she deserves her own book. I would really like to see that happen and I would read it in a heartbeat. True Story. Favorite Quote: "Everything's a story. It just depends on your point of view." So true. If you like dark fairytales andor storytelling within storytelling, "Poison" is a good bet for you.